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The following admissions documents constitute the admissions file. Candidates must submit all documents and a nonrefundable registration fee of $100.00 for students before their applications may be considered.


  • Acceptable application form with fee


  • High school transcript, Homeschool transcript, or GED (or pass a Pre-Admittance Curriculum Exam-PACE and an Accelerated   Spiritual Assessment Proficiency (ASAP) exam)

For students who have not yet graduated, the transcript must show student's grades and class rank at the time of application.


  • College transcripts from all colleges attended 


  • Letters of reference

From the applicant's minister

From the applicant's employer (or church leader if the applicant has not been employed)

From the applicant's high school teacher (or church leader if the applicant has been out of high school for some time)


  • Admission essay (Must give a synopsis of why you chose bible college)

Must be well written and normally 500-1,000 words

Must state the applicant's reason for applying to WWMI Bible Institute and Seminary including Christian commitment, life goals, and a purpose in harmony with that of WWMI Bible Institute and Seminary

Must indicate the applicant's previous church involvement

May be used to argue a student’s case if some area of the application is weak

  • Recent photograph


  • Current resume, or biological sketch


  • Ordination or Commissioning papers, if applicable


  • CLE – Credit for Life Experience (Portfolio Development)

Portfolio – Must contain copies of any prior proof of Bible education including but not limited to certificates, diplomas, letters of recommendations, both secular and Christian.

Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action


WWMI does not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, color, age, disability, ancestry, marital status, military discharge state, national origin, veteran status, sexual orientation, or other non- factors in education programs or employment practices.  Inquiries may be directed to the Main Office at extension 1. However, we can refuse admission to those who do not agree with our Biblical standards and beliefs as we are a solely religious institution.

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